Motoring Offences

Traffic law is pedantic. As a motoring offence solicitor, our attention to procedural detail can mean the difference between road traffic prosecution and a successful defence. From minor road traffic matters to the most serious driving charges, our experts can steer you through the legal road ahead.

We offer comprehensive advice and representation across all aspects of road traffic law. Our excellent record includes numerous successful traffic law defences. Charges dismissed or mitigated include dangerous driving, careless driving, speeding, driving whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs, driving whilst disqualified, driving without a licence and many other endorsable and non-endorsable offences.

Whether you’ve received a court summons or a fixed penalty notice, our guidance will suggest the best course of action – including possible defences to avoid disqualification. We take both Legal Aid and privately funded cases.

Use our Traffic Law experience for:

• Advice

• Representation at the police station

• Letters of Mitigation

• Representation at Magistrates and Crown Court

• Advice on Appeal

• Recovery of all or part of any costs incurred by you, should you be found not guilty or the case against you is discontinued.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. If you face a driving prosecution – however trivial or severe – contact our team now.

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